Massage Therapy Techniques


All systems in the body interact with each another. As we change in one area, we have the ability to effect other changes in the body. By manipulating soft tissues using Massage Therapy techniques, we pick up additional information.

Signs of inflammation, adhesions, texture, temperature differences are important clues that show us what is happening in the body.

Mechanically removing adhesions in soft tissue can cool inflammation, increase our range of motion, improve vascular and lymph function, raise immune system activity, slow nerve signals, and flush away nerve-irritating toxin - often all resulting in relief from pain. In addition to the traditional relaxation and Swedish techniques, Nancy uses Advanced Massage Therapy techniques when appropriate, to restore proper structure and function.

Some of the Advanced Massage Therapy techniques that Nancy uses:

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy, or 'compression-and-release' technique, cause vascular (blood vessel) reactions in the tissue, flushing toxins thought to cause nerve irritation and pain.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Active Inhibition Techniques (AIT) help assess and treat problems in muscle strength and movement patterns, 'signaling' between healthy muscle and the central and peripheral nervous systems. Working with your muscles’ own motor barriers and nerve tissue, the Patient uses muscle contractions to help bring about corrections in soft tissue. Techniques such as Golgi Tendon Organ, Muscle Approximation, Hold-Relax and Agonist-Contract help reduce muscle tension, tone, and remove spasm.

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)

Manual Lymph Drainage is a series of light, repetitive techniques designed to pump lymphatic fluid directly through to capillaries just under the skin. MLD is used in to treat edema (swelling) caused by a buildup of lymphatic fluid through the entire body, or in one area to dump waste products from inflammation, speeding up the rate of healing.

Joint Mobilization

Joint mobilization is a passive ‘moving’ of a joint's bony surfaces in a specific way, to ease restrictions in the joint capsule and promote greater range of motion at that joint.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release removes restrictions in both muscle (myo-) and the surrounding layers of connective tissue (fascia), promoting pain relief and greater ease of movement. Many release-combinations exist, often combined with other techniques, such as visceral manipulation.

Visceral Manipulation

Healthy internal organs (viscerae) are able to slide and glide over each other during normal movement. Restrictions in movement can show up in the layers of connective tissue (fascia) that surround the organs, in the same way that restrictions occur around muscles. Minor acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, gas and some types of abdominal pain may be symptoms of visceral restrictions. Visceral manipulation, a system of advanced osteopathic techniques in scope of massage therapy, can help minimize these restrictions, and move toward normal function.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy works with normal fluctuations in the nervous system's cerebrospinal fluid and with the membranes that surround the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Dysfunctions in the craniosacral system are often a result of direct trauma or other existing conditions in the body.

To apply this form of therapy in a directive, comprehensive way requires full Traditional Osteopathy training - now in scope for specially trained Massage Therapists - and is often effective in addressing chronic pain, spasms, concussions, whiplash, balance problems, visceral dysfunctions, headaches, sinusitis, ear infections, temporomandibular (TMJ/jaw) problems, chronic nervous system conditions (multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, post-traumatic spinal injury) and general blood and lymph circulation.